Course Summary
The T Level in Childcare: Education and Early Years will give students the knowledge, skills and behaviours in a broad range of topics such as child development, safeguarding and special educational needs, as well as learning about the role of families and support agencies.
Key Topics
All students will develop an understanding of:
- Understanding the Education and Early Years sector from ages 0 to 19
- Child development
- How to support children and young people’s education
- Safeguarding, health and safety and wellbeing
- Understanding and managing behaviour
- Observing and assessing children and young people
- Equality and diversity
- Special educational needs and disability
- English as an additional language
- Working with parents, carers and wider families
- Working with agencies and services that support children, families and carers
- Reflective practice and other forms of professional development.
Year 1:
- Two written examinations
- Employer set project
Year 2:
- 3 controlled assignments
- Placement observation
Students completing this course can go on to employment within early years or school settings or look at progression into education and early years courses at Higher Education.
Nursery worker, teaching assistant, learning mentor, special educational needs teaching assistant, playworker
Entry Requirements
At least five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English and maths