Level 1

Personal Progression Level 1

Course Summary

This course focuses on developing understanding and knowledge around mental health and has a small academic element. The Personal Progression course will allow you to have a supported start to your college journey by offering a bespoke timetable and course structure focused on your specific needs. There are also plenty of ways to enrich your timetable; these could include Health and Fitness, Work Experience and we also offer a varied enrichment programme. You will have a dedicated tutor and support staff available to help you learn and develop your study skills alongside thinking about which career direction you would like to take in the future, and the skills you need to develop to make it happen.

Key Topics

  • Physical health and wellbeing
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Personal identity
  • Your rights and responsibilities
  • Finding ways to be resilient
  • Financial commitments


After completing this course you can progress to Level 1 or Level 2 study programmes.

Entry Requirements

There are no qualifications needed for a Level 1 study programme, just a willingness to learn and enthusiasm to develop your aspirations.

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