Lighthouse Learning Trust
We are a founding member of the Lighthouse Learning Trust, a multi-academy trust, created in partnership with Richard Taunton Sixth Form College in Southampton. This partnership is based upon shared values and our existing relationship, which has seen us collaborate on many teaching and support services projects.
This strategic move, which has been two years in the planning, was a conscious decision made by both academy leadership teams and governors to protect and enhance the quality of teaching and broad ranging curriculum offer.
Students at both academies, and indeed future students from their local communities, are able to benefit significantly from pooled resources, knowledge and expertise as well as added investment, made possible through joint economies of scale in areas such as purchasing, as well as the VAT exemption awarded to academies.
The Trust is a single legal entity with a dedicated executive team and board of trustees, which is accountable for the governance and performance of both academies. Angela Berry is the CEO for the Trust. Staff from both academies are employed directly by the Trust. Click here for more details about the governance of the Trust.
Opportunities for teachers to share best practice in teaching and learning to accelerate quality improvement are ongoing and we are making plans to align our approaches to curriculum and assessment across both academies to further improve quality and student success. We have already made good headway with the development of our Trust-wide shared support services model and are seeing the benefits of economies of scale. There are no plans to close or change the names of either academy. Each will retain its distinct identity. Students will not be expected to attend lessons across both sites.
All decisions made, and actions taken, by members of the Trust will be underpinned by a series of mutually agreed principles. These include:
- Provision of high quality teaching
- Maximisation of teaching and learning resources
- Continued provision of inclusive and safe learning environments
- Full accountability to our local communities
- Operating with integrity
- Celebration of successes.
Members of the public, including parents of our student body, were invited to share their views on our proposals.